#CSWeek2019 #BehindTheSmile
What Lies Behind a Smile?
This year, we celebrated the importance of customer service as well as the people who serve and support customers on a daily basis. Our focus was on what motivates service providers to do what they do. It’s important that all members of an organisation/company understand this so as to provide the very best services to their customers
Customer Service Week 2019 was celebrated countrywide by organizations across the different sectors both public and private sector. Check out their participation activities on social media through the hashtag #CSWeek2019. Find here below what ICX Members had to say about Customer Service Week in 2019:
After a successful Customer Service Week event, service practitioners came together on the 26th October for a Gala dinner to celebrate the wins they enjoyed as a result of their efforts during #CSWeek2019. They also come together to benchmark with one another on best practice even as they begun to make plans for #CSWeek2020. The insights that were generated are expected to be valuable beyond customer service week and will affect service strategies that will be implemented throughout the business cycle. The Masquerade dress code was the perfect representation of the National #CSWeek2019 theme #BehindTheSmile.
CS Week Gala Dinner 2019
CX professionals also received the opportunity during the gala to position their companies as a thought leader in the CX space through the Own Your Story Challenge. It is anticipated that the successful completion of this challenge is only the first win and that the spirit of the challenge will spur CX teams to utilize storytelling to break down resistance internally and that The Own Your Story Challenge will be the spark that continues the gains made during CS Week and towards successful delivery of the company CX agenda in 2020 and beyond.
Enjoy below pictures taken during the Masquerade Gala Dinner:
Customer Service Week 2020 will be celebrated during the first full week of October from 5th to 9th October, 2020. Plan early for success. You may reach the ICX Secretariat for ideas and support here.