Customer Experience Matrix – Background
This CX matrix has been designed as a standards and audit framework toolkit that will help organizations review their strategy, business processes, service chain and customer inclusion strategy. It will also be used to identify areas of opportunity for improved CX.
The CX Matrix Pillars
CX Fundamentals
This pillar covers the core tenets of CX that include the following: Customer Experience Strategy, Turn-Around Time, Product/Service Alignment to Customer Needs, Complaint Resolution and Customer Communication Strategy.
CX Value Addition
The focus of this pillar is to highlight, spotlight and evaluate how organizations meet their customer needs and add value to their internal and external customer experiences through technology, call/contact center as well as sustainable and responsive community based programs.
CX Week Innovation Awards
This pillar evaluates the most creative, impactful and transformational customer engagement initiative during customer experience week. Customer Experience Week (CX Week) is celebrated every first week of October, with a focus on creating awareness on CX Excellence.
Category A- CX Fundamentals
- Customer Experience Strategy
A Customer Experience Strategy is a detailed, documented and approved plan of action capturing the long and short term goals associated with Customer Experience. This category will involve a review of the organization’s Customer Experience Strategy and should capture clear objectives, targets and a monitoring and evaluation guide.
- Turn-Around Time
Speed of delivery is a critical aspect of Customer Experience and directly impacts how convenient an organization is perceived by its stakeholders. This category will assess an organization’s value proposition/ promise to its customers and how they make it easy for customers to do business with them as well as operational efficiency.
- Product/Service Aligned to Customer Needs
Customer inclusion is key in achieving satisfaction, retention and loyalty. Organizations need to assess their product or service offering and the extent to which its target customers were included in the development process from ideation to launch. This category will look at the organizations efforts to create products and services that best meet customers’ needs.
- Complaint Resolution
Customer Complaints are an opportunity to learn more about customers and to better serve them. Service recovery is an integral part of customer retention and business growth. This category involves an in-depth assessment of an organizations active complaint handling practice and its structured service recovery strategy.
- Internal Customer Experience
Internal Customer- the employees of the organization, impact the quality of product or service the external customer receives. This Category calls on organizations to strategically design in-depth comprehensive initiatives and strategies that create a conducive, exciting and engaging employee experience that yields internal customer satisfaction, retention and recognition.
- Customer Relationship Driver
Customer engagement should be deliberate and continuous for organizations that are customer centric and intend to maintain mutually beneficial partnerships with their customers. Through this category, organizations have the opportunity to design and implement a well-documented action plan for their engagement with external customers.
- Customer Communication Strategy
Even with the best product or service offering, an organization that does not effectively communicate with its customers is bound to lose. This category will review an organization’s communication with their customers and feedback management across the various communication channels.
Category B: CX Value Addition
- Use of Technology for Customer Experience
Technology can be a powerful accelerator of Customer Experience Excellence and this category will measure how organizations are using technology to effectively and actively enhance customer experience and satisfaction. It will also include a review of any self-care platforms, user experience and average system downtime.
- Best Contact Centre
A Contact Centre is the central point from which all customer interactions across multiple touchpoints are managed. How an organizations Contact Centre is run is an important contributor to customer engagement, complaint management & service recovery, customer satisfaction and retention. This category measures the best run Contact Center and will review various performance indicators.
- Community Responsiveness and Most Sustainable Initiatives
Customers are demanding that organizations become socially responsible and as such, it is critical that organizations have sustainable and socially transformative community based programs or projects that target their customers. This category will seek to review evidence of such projects as well as how innovative and impactful they are as compared to the budget allocated.
Category C: Customer Engagement Activities
This category will specifically review activities related to Customer Service Week held and celebrated internationally every first week of October. Participating organizations with the most creative, impactful and transformational customer engagement initiative will be recognized and celebrated
The CX Matrix
CX Awards FAQs
For more information about the CX matrix, to request for an audit review, please reach out to the Secretariat on 0754 854 565
Office Location
Bible Translation and Literacy House (BTL) Gate 7, Masaba Road, off Bunyala Road, Lower Hill, Nairobi, Kenya.
P.O. Box 9241-00100 Nairobi, Kenya.
Open Hours
M-F: 8am - 5pm